ISO 17025 accredited testing for gellan gum is crucial for several reasons, especially in ensuring the quality, safety, and regulatory compliance of this widely used food additive. 

At CINOGEL BIOTECH factory,It is essential for ensuring the product's quality, safety, and compliance with regulations, ultimately supporting its global acceptance and consumer trust.

Belowing are the 2024 latest test report for our Gellan Gum.

Gellan gum is commonly used in the food industry as a gelling agent, thickener, stabilizer, and emulsifier. Given its importance in various food products, rigorous testing under ISO 17025 accreditation provides numerous benefits,and following are reasons why we do ISO 17025 THIRD PARTY LAB test each year:

1. Assurance of Quality and Purity

  • Consistency in Quality: Gellan gum is expected to perform consistently across batches. ISO 17025 accredited testing ensures that the product's physical and chemical properties, such as gel strength, viscosity, and purity, are consistent and meet industry standards.
  • Detection of Impurities: The testing can identify and quantify impurities or contaminants, ensuring the gellan gum is pure and free from harmful substances. This is vital for maintaining the safety and efficacy of food products.

2. Regulatory Compliance

  • Meeting Legal Requirements: Various countries have stringent regulations regarding food additives. ISO 17025 accredited testing helps ensure that gellan gum complies with national and international food safety regulations, such as those set by the FDA, EFSA, or Codex Alimentarius.
  • Labeling Accuracy: The testing validates that the gellan gum’s composition matches what is declared on the product label, which is essential for regulatory compliance and consumer trust.

3. Global Market Acceptance

  • International Recognition: ISO 17025 is globally recognized, and testing performed under this standard is trusted by regulators and customers worldwide. This is crucial for companies that export gellan gum or food products containing gellan gum.
  • Trade Facilitation: Accredited test results are more likely to be accepted by regulatory bodies and trading partners in different countries, reducing the need for redundant testing and facilitating smoother international trade.

4. Consumer Safety

  • Verification of Safety: ISO 17025 accredited testing includes microbiological testing to detect harmful pathogens and chemical testing to ensure the absence of toxic substances. This ensures that the gellan gum is safe for consumption.
  • Allergen Testing: The testing can also confirm that gellan gum is free from undeclared allergens, making it safe for sensitive populations.

5. Risk Management

  • Identification of Risks: The comprehensive testing provided by ISO 17025 accredited labs helps identify potential risks in the gellan gum, such as contamination or adulteration, allowing manufacturers to take corrective actions before the product reaches the market.
  • Mitigation of Liability: By using ISO 17025 accredited testing, companies can reduce their liability in case of quality or safety issues, as they have followed recognized standards in verifying the product’s safety and quality.

6. Continuous Improvement

  • Process Optimization: The detailed analysis and results from ISO 17025 testing can provide insights into the manufacturing process, helping producers improve product quality and consistency over time.
  • Feedback for Suppliers: Manufacturers can use the test results to provide feedback to suppliers, ensuring that raw materials meet the required specifications.

7. Building Consumer Trust

  • Transparency: Products backed by ISO 17025 accredited testing are often more trusted by consumers, as the certification is a mark of rigorous testing and high standards.
  • Brand Reputation: Ensuring that gellan gum meets the highest quality standards through accredited testing enhances the reputation of the brand and builds long-term consumer loyalty.